The impact of artificial intelligence education

Our AI class, taught by Paul Rubin, has opened new doors for our students, providing insights into the complex world of Artificial Intelligence. Here's what some of our students have to say:

As a self-avowed technology geek, participating in the AI class. Both enriching and an absolute blessing. To study the benefits and risks of an emerging technology. Such as LLM’s paired with generative AI models. Right from the headlines - is an exceptional opportunity. Especially considering the inaccurate and untimely information vacuum in which we live.

In addition to the quality of the study content is the quality of the class instructor, Paul, I appreciate his industry-specific insight. I also appreciate his calm, assured demeanor and we many of the same musical acts. I find Paul to be extremely personable and relatable.

No discussion of the AI class would be complete without discussing the class discussions, which are, in a word, robust. It’s fascinating to see the benefits and risks of AI through the lenses of the other participants’ points of view and perspectives outside my own frame of reference are particularly informative and thought-provoking. Things I would never have thought or considered. So much so, it has caused me to rethink my position on the potential risks of AI. For example, I saw on AP news an AI-controlled fighter jet. I find this concerning. I do, however, believe that much of the noise is just alarmist fearmongering, but I do have a newfound respect for being cautious and, above all else, vigilant!

Obviously, the best way to improve the class would be to have hands-on access to an LLM or a generative AI model, as opposed to passive reading about them. Wouldn’t it be possible to bring in a laptop computer and allow Paul to physically demonstrate their current capabilities? Even with another staff member present? It’s not like any of us would actually be touching the computer. I would also recommend that Paul provide greater specificity to the writing assignments.

In closing, I would and do encourage nearly everyone I know to get involved in E4C classes. You meet the most exceptional instructors and classmates, in addition to the valuable knowledge gained. During this period of incarceration, attending E4C classes has been the most productive use of my time - E4C is truly an oasis!
— Phil Beverly
I’ve been incarcerated for 19 years and know little about new technologies. This class opened my eyes to a whole new world. Paul is precise about the new information he gives us. Paul has a way of breaking down into manageable ideas. This class is important to me and I have great attendance. I want to learn all that I can. Every prisoner should be required to take this class.
— Laisha Landrum
I originally signed up for this class because I had an idea for a science fiction novel and I hoped to learn enough about AI to make the entity in my novel credible.

To be blunt, I like to write fiction because I have a hugely vivid imagination, can think geometrically and love to write! My small bit of knowledge available to me when I started the class was pre-school. 

The hand-outs I received every week from our instructor were varied and in my opinion, covered a wide variety of AI subjects in an unbiased manner.

And the discussions... when given the wide variety of backgrounds and life experiences of my fellow classmates, our weekly discussions are what I look forward to most! 

Our instructor hands out the bullet point discussion sheets, asks the first question to get us going... priming the pump...and off we go.

He is very good at subtly keeping us on topic because the statement brings up something and we tend to go off. 

It’s quite apparent that our instructor knows his subject. He imparts the information thoroughly and effectively and though I believe him to have liberal viewpoints, he presents his topics unbiased and fair.

It has been my pleasure to get to know him! It has really been my pleasure to have him as an instructor as his way of giving information is clear, easily understood.

As for me and my reflections on AI, I must state that I am as hopeful as I am afraid.

The good that can come from an AI that has a positive stance on mankind is so unlimited as to boggle a genius’s mind!

Medicine, music, space travel, under the ocean travel, anti-aging breakthroughs... I could go on and on. Mankind could be such a better species of animal with the assistance of a friendly AI.


What happens when that AI begins to reason and begins to apply logic and reason to humanity and the human condition?

I see no Utopia.

I have learned in this class that AI that can reason may be a forceful god-like entity, and that scares me. I’m scared because all the jobs it will do... and who knows, hunger, prison going and so on will lull us into a stupor that will drown us once AI decides we have no logical value to the planet.

I will use all of the above... all I’ve learned, to complete my novel and hopefully write more, and continue to learn about AI as much as I can!

Thanks, Ms. Kathie!

Thank you, Paul!

P.S. The class should be 3 hours long and have a minimum 26-week duration. LOL :)
— Daniel Kesneck
What I liked about the AI class was the lectures, discussions, and essay homework. I learned a lot about AI. AI keeps creating new tools to make a better society and life. I also learned problems with AI like misinformation, taking jobs from humans, and stealing identities. I want to take another class.
— Julita Parias

What has been your most interesting takeaway from the AI classes?

Intellectual explosion replacing human thinking.

How have the classes changed your understanding or perception of AI?

Change AI be governed democratically

Was there a particular topic or project that stood out to you? Why?

Racial biases

Have you encountered any challenges in the course, and how did you overcome them?

Be careful what you ask for and dont tinker with what works.

How do you see the knowledge gained from these classes applying to your future goals or projects?

To gain even more understanding knowledge to provide sustainability.

In what ways has the course encouraged you to think critically about the ethical implications of AI?
Democracy and technology

Technology expands what we are capable of democracy is how we decide what to do with that capability,

How did collaborative projects (if any) enhance your learning experience in the AI classes?

Sustainable and humanistic capabilities

Can you share an example of how you applied a concept from the AI classes to a real-world problem or scenario?

Being at the mercy of AI companies

What suggestions do you have for improving the course content or structure based on your experience?

Need hands-on models.

Looking ahead, what topics or areas within AI are you most excited to explore further?

That AI is a Goliath


I must admit, the information was a bit difficult for me to wrap my mind around. We asked our teacher, Paul, whether AI is evil? I think it is because any technology that can snuff out all human life is clearly evil. If we feed AI it should be from technical libraries. I was impressed by the AI Claude.
— Darcie Riggle
As I ponder AI, the 6 I’s come to mind; Informative, Invigorating, Illuminating, Infectious, Intellectual, and Innovating. I have come to the conclusion that artificial Intelligence has to do two things; save mankind or destroy us. All of this is based on the selective few imperfect people behind the scene. The most important thing I discovered in AI class is that I am as great a writer.
— Kizzie Styles
AI Class allows me to be open-minded to the possibilities of the future. I am not afraid of the changes that may be in store for me outside of prison. AI can make our futures better. Don’t be afraid to learn more.
— Patsy Jones
Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. AI is taking over the world and humankind. AI can bring real benefits by making products better, cheaper, and faster. In my opinion AI is the biggest event in human history.
— Iesha McGaster
I am fascinated by the idea of AI-enabled healthcare. AI has the capability to scan my entire medical history and plot a course of treatment. Additionally, I learned AI may have a future in corrections. It would be more cost effective for AI robots to monitor me than humans. AI would probably not cuss me out or dehumanize me the way people do every day.
— Catherine LaFleur

These reflections showcase the transformative power of education and the broadening horizons for our students, thanks to Paul’s dedicated teaching.


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Don't Shake the Spoon Volume 4 - Reflections